Creating an Instagram account is not a big deal if you have a logical way to target it. Here's how to put one together for use with your Instagram account and make money.

How to increase your Instagram account's Followers?

Determine your niche

A niche is a topic or topic specific to your account. If you want to make it bigger on Instagram, choose a niche, and stick to it. The most popular niches on Instagram include travel, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, etc.


If you do not consistently post to your account, it will reach a few people over time. People who post at least one post or story per day have better exposure.

Businesses that work with active influences; so if you want to be influential, you should continue to post relevant content almost daily to reach your target audience.

Engage with your audience

No one wants to follow an account that is unresponsive and ignorant. You are what you are because of your audience. So, respond to DMs or their ideas.

Ignore hateful messages or comments, but always reply to people who want to know about you and your account.

If in doubt, always remember this quote from Maya Angelou-

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Postrelevant content

This is useless. People will only follow you if you post content they can relate to. Your content should be targeted to your niche and should influence your audience.

You should always follow this strategy. By submitting relevant content, you can create a solid personal product.

Use correct hashtags

Proper use of hashtags in posts is a hidden art. Not everyone knows how to use hashtags; they do copy and paste from other people's posts and they're done.

You must use hashtags wisely. Use Instagram to search for relevant hashtags for your posts.

Pro Tip - Search for the most popular hashtag. Use the most popular hashtags in your articles and use the most popular / popular hashtags in your posts.

You can also find hashtags related to your niche here.

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